From now until the end of the month, we’re hosting a site-wide sale. Be sure to take advantage of our “buy one thingamajig and get another whatsahoosit $5 off” deal.
This applies to everything on our site. So get your five bucks off and go celebrate by bragging about this deal to all of your enemies.
If now isn’t a good time to buy more games, we’d like to know when a good time is! Seriously, write to us with a suggestion of a better time.

Hex Effects are ready
The Hex Effects Kickstarter campaign is over and all of the games have shipped. If you have not received your order yet, definitely let us know by writing to us at
If you missed the campaign, you can order your copy of this fantastic game now! And and and… you can get it at a discount, provided you buy one another thing (see how we tied that in?).

Share your love! Show your love!
If you love Hex Effects, please go to Board Game Geek to tell others about it. We are, after all, a small company who needs supporters like you to keep us alive. Think of Pillbox Games as a little like Tinker Bell — we just your applause and we stay alive! (And while you’re imagining us as Tinker Bell, be sure to imagine us as a fairy with tattoos and a skull for a head that can also breathe fire and shoot lasers from its eyes.)
We’d also love to share any artwork you may be inspired to create based on Hex Effects on our social channels!