Several years back, we launched a game called Side Effects. Somewhere in the box was a clue that led true believers to a separate game,
Well, check out MUD, because we're going for round 2.

Complete the alternative reality game embedded in MUD and here's what you stand to gain.
First place
One copy of MUD
One copy of Side Effects
Voucher for a future game or expansion from Pillbox Games
A personal letter of congratulations from Jade’s mother
A signed letterpress print
Loose cat food
One surprise item
Second place
Voucher for a future game or expansion from Pillbox Games
One copy of Side Effects or MUD (your choice)
A signed letterpress print
Loose cat food
One surprise item
Third place
One surprise item
A signed letterpress print
Loose cat food
But what if I don't want the loose cat food
We've received some complaints last time about the cat food. Let me be clear, there is no prize without cat food. Without getting into specifics, the cat food is inseverable from the way we put together the prizes. I apologize if this means some people will be receiving some loose cat food that they did not want, but this is the way it is. Should you win, you will be receiving a prize that contains some loose, dry cat food.
Have you found a play button? As a special bonus, we've decided to award the player who finds all 10 hidden songs scattered throughout this site a special bonus prize. Be the first to email links to all ten songs and we'll send you something special. (You'll know you've found a hidden song when you see a black play button)
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