Good tidings we bring!
We’ve received word from our shipping partner that there’s still time to order a Pillbox game and receive it for December 25.
For everyone living in the continental US, your deadline is DECEMBER 13 to guarantee it arrives by 12/25. And since that’s right around the corner, we encourage you to order it now now now now now now NOW.
More boosters coming in January — preorder open
We should be receiving more Side Effects Booster Shot expansion packs in late January. We opened a pre-order so you can be the first to receive one from the new batch.

Why a (Pillbox) game is the best Christmas gift
Hooray, it’s the holidays! You get to spend an excessive amount of time with your family! And not only that, but you have to buy them all gifts, too! What a joy this is!

How about killing two birds with one stone wrapped in a big bow?
A game is the best gift because not only will you give your family member the joy of unwrapping a box and seeing a beautiful and curious thing inside. But you’ll also get to kill time playing it with them!
And let’s face it — you spend, what, 18 hours a day now staring at a screen? Do you really wanna assemble all your loved ones just to watch Elf for the 1,000th time? Why not crack open that eggnog and do something that involves looking at real objects in the real world, talking & playing with your real family.
And a Pillbox game isn’t like other games. We spend an obscene amount of time making sure our boxes and pieces look and feel bespoke. “A game that looks good on your coffee table” is one of our many mottos. When you buy someone a Pillbox game, you’re not just adding a rectangular mass to the back of their closet. You’re giving them a little piece of art that they can play with.
So this holiday season, grab a gift that not only looks great and plays great, but it also helps you kill precious time with the ones you love.
Happy Holidays!