The secret is finally out. We'd been roasting up a new card to mix into Side Effects for months now. It adds a new ability, with some pleasant notes of chaos, and you can get yours today — but there's a catch...
Steps to Get Your Side Effects Coffee Card
Go to your local Barnes & Noble and purchase a copy of Side Effects or the Side Effects: Booster Shot. A cashier will literally hand you the new Caffeine Boost card pack, with three Coffee Cards inside. It's free with a purchase, and it's only at Barnes & Noble. Boom!
Learn How to Use the New Coffee Card
Check out how the Coffee card is literally a game changer.
The Caffeine Boost is only available while supplies last! It would be good to grab yours today!
And Speaking of Supplies...
We know, we know — where's the Booster Shot?! We sold out soooo quickly. But worry not; we're rushing a new order. If you're desperate to get your hands on one right now, you can go to your local Barnes & Noble.

More things a-brewin' — stay tuned!
So I just bought the booster shot today at Barnes and noble and saw this after . Do yall know if any got sent to the Texas locations ?
Bought the booster shot at Barnes and Noble and they did not have the caffeine pack 😭
I’m hoping the Coffee cards will eventually be available for direct purchase. I already own the base game and booster shot, and my local Barnes & Noble already ran out of stock of the Coffee pack anyway.
We have so much love for all of you! This is a great deal we're doing with Barnes & Noble, and, as a small business, we value their partnership so much. But we have not forgotten about our loyal fans — not even for one micro-second. We're cooking up some new stuff that will be available for everyone. Just gotta be patient for now.
What about some love for your fans outside of the USA? I'm out here in Sydney Australia wanting the expansion Booster Shot and 'exclusive' coffee cards!