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Perfect Stranger:
Shy play
Here's how it works to use the SECRET card in Perfect Stranger and preserve your anonymity. Use this when you want to keep playing, but you don't want anyone to know you're refusing to answer a question.
Instead of putting in a YES or NO card, submit the SECRET card.
When the answers are flipped over, the group will see that a SECRET card was played, signaling that you cannot play the Bonus Round. (Whoever has the number card matching the number of YESes in the pile still wins a point though!)
Flip all the cards face down again. Now, everyone must submit ALL of their YESes, NOs, and SECRET cards into the center pile, also face down.
Shuffle these cards.
Deal out 1 YES, 1 NO, and 1 SECRET to every player.
Done! Now, everyone has their cards back. Nobody can tell who the SECRET was from, the winner still got a point, and you can continue playing.

A quick caveat: when playing this way, please do not abuse the SECRET system. Do not try to peek or guess who played the SECRET. At the same time, using the SECRET card must done only sparingly — the game will not be as fun if everyone is using the SECRET card all the time.
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